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Noakhali District is bordered by Comilla district to the north, the Meghna estuary and the Bay of Bengal to the south, Feni and Chittagong districts to the east and Lakshmipurand Bhola district to the west. The district has an area of 4202 km2.[3] The district represents an extensive flat, coastal and delta land, located on the tidal floodplain of the Meghna River delta, characterised by flat land and low relief. The area is influenced by diurnal tidal cycles and the tidal fluctuations vary depending on seasons, 

being pronounced during the monsoon season. Around Noakhali on three sides is an alluvial plain that is annually inundated and fertilised by silt deposits from the Meghna estuary. The swift currents that course down from the Himalayas bring a rich bath of fertile silt, when it reaches the Bay of Bengal, settles along the coast, gradually forming new land called "chars". The district of Noakhali has actually gained more than 28 square miles (73 km2) of land in the past 50 years and so on.

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